

My New Year's Resolution

This is my New Year's Resolution: to drink only water. soda, juice, tea, coffee or....... anything else that isn't water! What inspired me to only drink H20? I'm not really sure actually but my friend did the same thing last year so that could be part of it. I have to admit I thought she was a little crazy at first! I was thinking, "Water? For a whole year?! You've got to be kidding me!" Now I know drinking water really isn't all that bad. It's going pretty well, actually. Although it's does get a little uncomfortable when everyone else at the table is opening up their can of Sierra Mist and I have to sip meekly on my water.

I already have a confession to make, though. We were at McDonald's last week and my dad gave me a cup to fill up for somebody. So I filled it up with my special blend of Sprite, Orange Hi-C, and Strawberry Fruitopia. And, without thinking, I took a sip. I didn't realize what I had done until I got back to my seat and sat down! (It tasted really good by the way!) Uhhh! What does that mean now? Do I have to drink even more water? Do an extra day at the end of the year? Needless to say I was pretty mad at myself. Well, what's done is done I guess. The fourth day and I had already broken my resolution!

Anyway, I would love to know what your resolutions are! Just click, "Comment," and let me know! Thank you and I hope you have a great 2008!


Anonymous said...

Cool resolution. Keep us posted on how it's going!

Name: Karen said...

You and Uncle Blair. He is trying the same thing. We don't drink a lot of pop anymore, but occasionally it tastes REALLY good, like with Pizza!! Good for you for trying!

I'd just encourage you by saying....don't let it rule you! Live a little. All things of this world, if taken to an extreme can be not good for you. IF you take a sip of pop at Mickey D's, enjoy it and drink water next time! Hee Hee

The only thing our diets should be completely restricted from is Sin. And we both know that is impossible as we wake up each day (I know I sure find it out each day!)with our sin nature rearing it's ugly head.

Can't wait for those glorified bodies, eh? I love you Clare Bear! Thanks for your transparency! Thats great!

Jocelyn said...

Thanks for the comment=). And Of course you can!

And I agree with the comment above me...don't let that get you down. I haven't exactly been keeping all my resolutions either. Don't be so hard on yourself...remember, it takes time to form a habit.

God Bless you!