

Carried by Jesus

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking
Along the beach with the Lord.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene,
He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
He looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life
There was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened
At the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him
And he questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, You said that once I decided to follow You,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that
During the most troublesome times in my life,
There is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed
You most you would leave me."
The Lord replied,
"My precious, precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
When you see only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."


Bazillion Books

We love books at our house. The problem was, though, that before we had these shelves built, we had to dig through boxes and boxes filled with books to find the one we were looking for. Not very convenient to go search under Biology textbook after Biology textbook to find the next Nancy Drew book in the series. You can see why this bookshelf is such a blessing! Lane, James, and I helped our Dad build them, and Mom painted them. We also made the shelves with spaces and drawers underneath for games(our Game closet was overflowing with games!) . We dusted off the books and set them in order. Now we have a sturdy bookshelf that's a whole lot nicer to look at than stacks of books piled in heaps!


My New Year's Resolution

This is my New Year's Resolution: to drink only water. soda, juice, tea, coffee or....... anything else that isn't water! What inspired me to only drink H20? I'm not really sure actually but my friend did the same thing last year so that could be part of it. I have to admit I thought she was a little crazy at first! I was thinking, "Water? For a whole year?! You've got to be kidding me!" Now I know drinking water really isn't all that bad. It's going pretty well, actually. Although it's does get a little uncomfortable when everyone else at the table is opening up their can of Sierra Mist and I have to sip meekly on my water.

I already have a confession to make, though. We were at McDonald's last week and my dad gave me a cup to fill up for somebody. So I filled it up with my special blend of Sprite, Orange Hi-C, and Strawberry Fruitopia. And, without thinking, I took a sip. I didn't realize what I had done until I got back to my seat and sat down! (It tasted really good by the way!) Uhhh! What does that mean now? Do I have to drink even more water? Do an extra day at the end of the year? Needless to say I was pretty mad at myself. Well, what's done is done I guess. The fourth day and I had already broken my resolution!

Anyway, I would love to know what your resolutions are! Just click, "Comment," and let me know! Thank you and I hope you have a great 2008!