

Carving Like the Assyrians

One of our activities for School this week was carving designs on linoleum. We imitated the Assyrians who we studied last week and their artwork reliefs and friezes. It was fun, but tiring! I sure have an incredible respect for all those carvers back in ancient times!

~ Happy Spring to you!~


Travel Miles for Flowers!

The only thing Miles enjoys more than crumpling up paper, is playing and looking at flowers! Yes, I am serious. I have no clue why he is so intrigued with paper(or why he enjoys squeezing flowers for that matter)! But he is now 9 months old and crawling and pulling up on anything he can get his chubby little fingers on!


New Addition

Behold, the newest addition of the Pemberton Family. Grandma Pemberton came up and visited us a couple weekends ago from southern Georgia, bringing her small 9 week old puppy, Buffy. She certainly was well loved during her stay as everyone was wanting to pet her and play with her! We went to Lane and James' basketball games Saturday morning, and about every quarter or so, someone would come up and ask to pet her. She is a mutt--part Schnauzer and part Yorkie(a mix of something else, too, but it has escaped me at the moment!). Welcome to our family, Buffy!