

Picking up the Tools Again....

We pulled out the tools, gloves, and seed packets last week and went back to work gardening. We planted some peppers, corn, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, peas, and lots more!A helpful hint that my mom found from someone who also has a garden: to use cornstarch as an ant killer. Sure it looks weird heaping boxes of cornstarch into your grocery cart, but it really does work! And it doesn't have all of the chemicals that regular ant killer has. Which is great because who wants to eat squash that has been grown in the same soil that chemicals have been dumped in?
Now, after all our days toiling in the hot sun, all that is left to do is wait. I think it is amazing how a plant can start from something so small as a seed and grow into a strong, healthy plant which produces food for us to eat. All from something so small. God really is amazing, isn't He?

1 comment:

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